Explore our value chain emissions reduction focus areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of UNFI Climate Action Hub?
The purpose is to mitigate climate change by catalyzing and supporting climate action across our value chain.

What are UNFI’s science-based targets?
UNFI’s targets are: “UNFI commits to reduce Scope 1 & 3 heavy freight well-to-wheel (WTW) GHG emissions from transportation 38% per tonne kilometer by FY2030 from a FY2020 base year. UNFI also commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from all other emission sources 50% by FY2030 from a FY2020 base year. UNFI further commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services 25% within the same timeframe.

How does UNFI define its value chain?
We define our value chain as all our stakeholders, including, suppliers, vendors, associates, investors, customers, communities, and beyond. For the purposes of the UNFI Climate Action Hub, we use the term to describe external stakeholders specifically.

Who is UNFI focused on engaging with?
UNFI is initially focused on engaging with our valued supplier partners.

How can I be involved if I am not a supplier of UNFI?
At this time, we are focused on partnering with suppliers but are interested in input from other partners. Reach out to ClimateAction@unfi.com if you are not a supplier but are interested in partnering on climate action.

How will UNFI incentivize climate action by suppliers?
UNFI plans to encourage suppliers’ participation by offering opportunities for recognition, and other special opportunities for suppliers demonstrating leadership in climate action.

Why did UNFI decide to focus on science-based target setting, planet-healthy diets, food waste reduction and climate-smart agriculture?
UNFI knows every partner is at a different stage in their climate journey. Measuring, reporting, and setting science-based emissions reduction targets were chosen as elements of the UNFI Climate Action Hub as they are a critical for climate action and applicable to all of our partners. Climate-smart agriculture was chosen as because it is an area of great potential for climate impact, as is food waste reduction and planet-healthy diets. These focus areas may shift depending on science and areas of emerging opportunity.

How can I participate in the UNFI Climate Action Hub?
Download the Climate Action Guide for Business by completing the short form at the top of the home page. Shortly after, you will be contacted with more information about making or sharing a commitment to climate action.

Should I set a goal for my own operations, or value chain?
This is a context and company-specific decision. Goals for operations are important for all suppliers, regardless of size or impact. Value chain goals may also be relevant depending on supplier size and/or the allocation of emissions across scopes 1, 2 and 3.

What if my emissions reduction efforts do not fit into the focus areas of the UNFI Climate Action Hub? 
Your emission reduction efforts do not need to fit into focus areas of the UNFI Climate Action Hub. Every company will have a different emissions footprint and approach to climate action.

What expectations exist around my reporting to UNFI Climate Action Hub?
Certain suppliers will be asked to disclose to CDP Climate Change or share elements of their climate disclosures. Best practice for all suppliers is to report climate impacts at least annually.

How will UNFI share updates about this project?
We will share updates via our email newsletter. Periodically, we’ll also update this website to reflect the most relevant information about our value chain climate action efforts.


Want to talk about climate action?
Contact our team!

What we do over the next 10 years will determine the future of humanity for the next 10,000 years.

Climate change is a full-fledged crisis and approximately one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the food system. UNFI, as a leader in the North American wholesale and grocery distribution industry, is committed to playing a major role in driving change. To address our impacts, UNFI has set three science-based emissions reduction targets–covering our fleet, facilities and value chain–which have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. Through this Hub, UNFI will provide tools and resources, including opportunities for our suppliers and partners to learn from experts and each other, to innovate and scale climate solutions across the food system. 


 You can reach out to climateaction@unfi.com.


Where suppliers & UNFI partner to amplify impact

David King

British Government's Former Chief Scientific Advisor

Learn more about UNFI's targets, where our emissions come from, and the impact we aim to have.

It’s our job to find new, more sustainable ways of working to better serve this expectation and help reconnect people with the food they eat, nourish lives and build a healthier world through food. 

Customer Health & Sustainability Manager

Sierra Fowler


As a parent-led brand, Happy Family Organics has long been committed to creating a better future for little ones. That means implementing solutions today that help to mitigate climate change.

We’re especially focused on doing all that we can to partner with the farms who provide our ingredients to help them shift from being a source of GHG emissions to being part of the solution to climate change.


Katie Clark

Director of Sustainability

Britt Lundgren

Senior Director of Sustainability and Government Affairs


 © 2022 United Natural Foods, Inc.

in partnership with

Together with our farmer owners, we have a tremendous appetite for leading the decarbonization of dairy, so that people can continue to trust and enjoy dairy products. 

Peder Tuborgh

Chief Executive Officer



We believe in Better for All and we're building a food system that's better for our people, our communities and our world.

AboutResourcesClimate Action Partnership